What is Crystallization? Crystallization is a natural process, where the sugars in plant nectar cause your raw honey to form crystals. The higher the sugar content, the quicker you’ll have crystals. Honey rarely crystallizes in the hive, because the bees keep the hive a constant temperature! Honey will Crystallize faster in cooler temperatures. If you prefer your honey to be liquid, the easiest way to re-liquefy your honey is to heat a pot of water to boiling. Remove from the heat and place your honey jar into the hot water (make sure to remove the cover, and keep the level of the water even with the level of the honey in the jar). Allow the jar to stay in the water until it cools. The warm water will heat the honey gently (without removing any of the wonderful benefits of raw natural honey) and re-liquefy it. But, remember, crystallized honey is easier to spread on toast with a knife 🙂
The honey in this bear is just starting to crystallize! It’s so pretty!